Physical Appearance
The sheer variety of body types and appearances is astounding and no two seem to be exactly alike. Many though seem to exhibit a mask-like appearance which appears to have glowing eyes that seem to indicate a churning biologic energy. Many learn to suppress the glowing effect in an effort to escape notice.
Some NEs have no discernible mouth or other sensory organs, but this is likely a sign that they do not require them, having evolved other means for metabolic function (see Biologic Abilities) or sensory input. All NEs are relative to humanoid size in their natural state.
Body types typically have some sort of organic armor, carapace, or rough pattern that acts as a protective barrier to attack as well as helps conceal their massive radio-logical output.
Biologic Abilities

Biologic Energy Weapons
- Radiation Beams (emitted from eyes, mouth, hands, or chest, etc.) may be plasmatic or electrical in nature
- Auto-atomic Polymorphism - transformation of physical form to create energy weapons (sonic, plasmatic, lightwave, concussive, or other energy); propulsive organs (engines, rotors, fins, tank treads, etc.), or any other embellishment (claws, spikes, drills, etc.); or phase (walk through solid objects) Note: no NEs are able to use this ability to take an entirely new/different form, it's usually localized to limbs, head, etc.
- Propulsion - bio-wing (jointed non-organic wing with slow speed and average agility); bio-rotor (above average speed, average agility while in flight) bio-turbine (fast, very agile); bio-combustible propulsion (extremely fast, not very agile)
- Signal Overload - act as a massive transmitter to overwhelm adversaries with a radial or directed (cone) blast
- Absorb & Dissipate Energy - incoming energy volleys can be absorbed/attenuated without harm to the NE
NEs typically have a far greater range of sensory input than average Earth creatures. Some have surpassed using traditional "eyes" where they would normally be located on a humanoid head and instead employ organelles that can "see" a much broader range of the electromagnetic spectrum--beyond just visible light. Others have developed sonar, radar, seismic, enhanced olfactory, and/or barometric organs that allow them to detect a multitude of stimuli.
It's believed most also have some sort of psionic ability that may allow for identifying others by aural signature. Sensory organs can manifest as antennae, additional "eyes", multiple heads, colorful body patterns, or in other ways.
It's believed that NEs can "smell" each other's bio-radio-logic signatures.
Typical Habitat
NEs have no obvious range and almost never found in a lair. That's not to say they don't have permanent habitats, but all encountered have remained hidden from sight. Many seem to inhabit mountainous areas or lowland swamps. It's thought they are also nomadic and do not stay in one place for too long. They generally avoid large populations due to precarious encounters with locals. It should be noted that to date, no single specimen has been captured by a Valid mutant hunting squad.
Cultural Traits
It's not known if there are particular species of NEs or if they each seem to exist as a single specimen. They tend to live solitary, nomadic lives so data about NE communities is null. When one is encountered there is a 1d4 chance that they do not speak common tongue (though they always seem to understand it). Some may communicate through telepathy, but all will usually make due with gestures or an artificial means (vocorder or visual display). All NEs should be regarded as dangerous as they have a tendency to either accidentally or intentionally try to obliterate those who approach them. They seem to live apart from one another, but one theory hold that they may in fact be looking for others like themselves. As to how they view humans or mutants, their exact motives are unclear, save that they seem to regard them similarly--whether that means all they encounter are friend, foe, or prey is yet to be seen.
- More about New Evolutionaries
- A gallery of suspected NEs
- Further data on NEs will be released as dossiers on individual lifeforms/encounters