
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

X-Plorers Now Available!

This is a repost from Exonauts, but I added a few clarifications. Also, a while back Brutorz Bill asked me if it was possible to use X-Plorers as the engine for a post-apocalyptic game. I'm officially throwing the gauntlet down for this challenge! I think it's totally possible, and while I'll keep my own Gamma setting stuff fairly neutral--I dare anyone to make it happen! (In this example dare = hope!). If you attempt it, please shoot me an email or post and link back.

Okay, on with the show....


X-Plorers is now available as a box set, softcover print-on-demand, or a no-art FREE download. You now have THREE WAYS to start conquering the galaxy--and you could be doing so as soon as THIS AFTERNOON while you wait for your box or softcover to arrive in the mail. Here's a look at the inside of the softcover....

The game is rules-light and can be played as-is, but it's REAL strength is in it's ability to be fiddled with under the hood. Personally, I like to tinker and I'm working on my own setting using the rules. If you're looking for more resources to help get started, check out the X-Plorers tab on the top of this blog.

On a side note, the venerable Space Admiral and X-Plorers Publisher John Adams is holding a new character sheet design contest. The winner will receive a FREE box set of the game! So submit your designs to Brave Halfling. UPDATE: the PC sheet size is 5.5 x 8.5" and John has not yet set a deadline. He also reports that there are approximately 50 Boxed Sets are left--but that was a few days ago...

More info:
Anyway, go get your copy and start X-ploring!

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